Christopher DeMartini

Christopher DeMartini is a neurologist in California. He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders, including headaches, seizures, and stroke. Dr. DeMartini is also a clinical researcher, and he has published several papers on the use of new treatments for Neurological disorders. He is an associate professor at the University of Southern California School of Medicine. If you are experiencing any symptoms related to your nervous system, please call Dr. Christopher DeMartini today!

Nootropics are neurometabolic drugs that have a direct activating effect on integrative brain mechanisms, optimize cognition (memory, thinking, intelligence) and increase wakefulness levels (vigilance), increase brain resistance to harmful influences, and improve corticosubcortical connections.

Nootropics have been called cognition enhancers because of their ability to improve mentality in healthy and sick people. Nootropics stimulate excitation transmission in central neurons, accelerating inter-neuronal contacts and neurotransmitter exchange; they activate protein and RNA synthesis in neurons, stabilize nerve cell membranes, improve energy processes, microcirculation and blood supply to the brain (without expanding blood vessels), increase its resistance to hypoxia, have pronounced antihypoxic, neutrophic and cerebroprotective activity, etc.

At the same time, nootropics do not affect the course of neurovegetative processes, have no significant psychostimulant, hypnotic, sedative and analgesic effects, do not cause specific changes in EEG, have no significant toxicity, do not impair blood circulation. In general, the mechanism of the therapeutic effect of nootropics has not been sufficiently studied.